View the current tmf stock price chart, historical data, premarket price, dividend returns and more. Get detailed information about the direxion daily 20+ year treasury bull 3x shares etf. However, with possible interest rate fluctuations, tmf.
Since then, tmf stock has increased by 1.6% and is now trading at $40.60.
View a financial market summary for tmf stock price quote, trading volume, volatility, options volume, statistics, and other important company data related to tmf (direxion daily 20 year.
It has a market cap of $1.1 trillion and generated just $3.6 billion in free cash flow over the past 12 months. Direxion daily 20 year plus treasury bull 3x shares' stock was trading at $39.97 on january 1st, 2025. Over the next 52 weeks, direxion daily 20+ year treasury bull 3x shares has on average historically risen by 4.7% based on the past 15 years of stock performance. If an etf like the ishares 20+.
Find the latest direxion daily 20+ year treasury bull 3x shares etf (tmf) stock analysis from seeking alphaโs top analysts: If the economy experiences slow growth or mild inflation, tmf may show strong performance. Exclusive research and insights from bulls and bears. View the latest direxion daily 20+ year treasury bull 3x shares (tmf) stock price, news, historical charts, analyst ratings and financial information from wsj.

The direxion daily 20+ year treasury bull 3x shares seek daily investment results, before fees and expenses, of 300% of the performance of the ice u.s.
Following two strong years, further stock market gains are likely in 2025 but may be more muted. The problem is, tesla's stock is priced like they will.