Java nio 在 linux 平台的空轮询问题 1.1 空轮询问题的介绍 1.1.1 空轮询的现象. The system is running smoothly for months. And i had check method and set the.
Spigotmc/bungeecord#851 been happening forever, but basically the program requires a restart after selector rebuild.
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Reload to refresh your session. Linux 下使用 io 复用一般默认就是 epoll,java nio 在 linux 平台默认使用的也是 epoll 机制。. Expected behavior no issues actual behavior we use netty for message exchange between two internal systems. You signed out in another tab or window.
The following is logged on my crunchbang linux installation: Commit 795f318 simplified some code related to the special case set for the selected keys and introduced a selector wrapper to make sure this set was properly reset. There was a bug in software i develop. The worker thread from new nioeventloopgroup() have been interrupted from the other one.

In such case the nioeventloop starts active selector.
一、前言 jdk nio的bug,例如臭名昭著的epoll bug,它会导致selector空轮询,最终导致cpu 100%。官方声称在jdk1.6版本的update18修复. Reload to refresh your session. returns immediately with op_accept on the selected key set, then invoking accept() triggers an. It look like have trigger the jvm selector 100% cpu bug and rebuild the selector;
This is reproducible on android 8 for me as well. Advertising & talent reach devs & technologists worldwide about. I saw on other posts. I'm pretty sure i don't have a leak here.

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