Larger mandibular torus may be associated with mild or moderate osa but not severe osa. In all the age groups > 30 years, patients with. We aimed to investigate whether mandibular tori, exostoses that appear on the lingual surface of the lower jaw, are related to osa and the effect of an oral appliance (oa) in osa patients.
Understanding Mandibular Tori Causes, Treatment, and Concerns
Have you noticed unusual bony growths on the floor of your mouth, just beneath your tongue?
Dental tori are bony nodules that can develop in the mouth, typically on the lower jaw (mandibular tori) or on the roof of the mouth (palatal tori).
Maxillary tori) are common benign outgrowths of bone from the inner surface of the mandible and are usually bilateral. Those located on the inside of the lower jaw are mandibular tori. Approximately 10% of the identified tori were pedunculated and difficult to diagnose through visual inspection alone. Benign growths found in the lower gums or on the roof of the mouth are called dental tori.
Common symptoms include a bump or ridge along the inside of. Though generally harmless, they can. Mandibular tori, scientifically termed torus mandibularis, are bony growths or protuberances that appear along the inner surface of the mandible, which is the lower. Torus mandibularis is a bony growth that develops along the surface of the lower jawbone, near the premolar and molar teeth.

They will feel like hardened bumps.
Mandibular tori or “tori bone” is an atypical — yet totally common — bony growth in your mouth. They are usually asymptomatic but. Mandibular torus does not impede osa treatment.