King arthur and the round table the prefix arthr references joints; What term am i supposed to get out of a gray whale performs a pole dance? In the case of the gray whale performs a pole dance mnemonic, the visual and kinesthetic elements of the image (a whale dancing on a pole) help cement the connection to the poli/o.
Exploring the Unusual Gray Whale Pole Dancing The Enlightened Mindset
A gray whale performs a pole dance.
The mnemonic a gray whale performs a pole dance is used to remember the medical terminology prefix poli/o, which means gray.
This article explores the mysterious art of. A salamander sings opera into a mushroom microphone. King arthur and his knights sit at the round table eating. It's a mnemonic and i am confused.
A coal miner suffers from constipation. The sheer size and intelligence of the whale,. Apparently, it is a mnemonic. Create a mnemonic to remember the characteristics or behaviors of a gray whale.

One such behavior is “pole dancing”, a display where a gray whale will lift its tail flukes out of the water and spin around the surface.
The statement a gray whale performs a pole dance is an example of a hyperbole, which is an exaggerated statement not meant to be taken literally. A gray whale performs a pole dance. Pole dance and gray whale represents the root poli/o for its association with curvature or poles. A gray whale performs a pole dance.
A gray whale performs a pole dance. A gray whale performs a pole dance. The mnemonic associates the prefix poli/o. The audience at the gray whale’s pole dance performance were awestruck and moved by the spectacle unfolding before them.

Apparently, it is a mnemonic meant to remind you of the meaning of a particular medical prefix.
This answer doesn't require steps or math, it's a simple explanation that a grey whale is not capable of performing a pole dance due to its physical limitations, and it further explains how.