Although the eastern fence lizard currently has a stable population size, they face various threats that jeopardize this. Eastern fence lizard are predators of a wide variety of invertebrates. Eastern fence lizards earned their common name by being conspicuous daytime baskers on the tops of fence posts and other promontories.
Sceloporus undulatus undulatus (Eastern Fence Lizard) Flickr
It is considered a species of greatest conservation need (sgcn) in three states at the periphery.
Children may enjoy catching fence lizards, but they are not particularly easy to maintain in captivity and.
Climate impacts, particularly the increased frequency of. The species is found along forest edges, rock piles, and rotting logs or. This allows them to escape potential threats without the need. Despite their appearance, eastern fence lizards are harmless.
If you're thinking of — catching and — keeping them as pets,. Many people fear eastern fence lizards, believing them to be poisonous, but these lizards are completely harmless. While they may bite if handled, their bite is not venomous or harmful to humans. Some people fear these completely harmless lizards, believing them to be poisonous.

No, the eastern fence lizard is not poisonous.
They rely on their agility and ability to camouflage instead of venom for defense. These lizards are primarily insectivores and pose. Eastern fence lizards prefer dry, open woodlands and are diurnal creatures, meaning they are active during the day.