Here are some general estimates of what you can expect to pay: On average, ticket prices at regal cinemas range from $10 to $15 per ticket for adults. Then when i checked out scream 6, it was priced at $18.50 in standard 2d and around the same showtime.
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However, prices can be higher for 3d or imax screenings, special events, or premium showings.
All prices are inclusive of any applicable vat.
Here are the current regal cinemas discounts. Tuesday value day (rcc value day): Regal’s standard ticket prices vary depending on the location, time of day, and format of the movie. Find the best regal movie ticket prices and discounts available now for movie tickets & concessions at regal theaters near you!
View the latest regal cinemas prices for all movie tickets including regular, 3d, reald 3d rpx, and imax movies for children, adults, and seniors. Regal cinema ticket prices do not include any applicable payment processing fees and booking fees.

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