Below is a summary of the benefits of flu vaccination and selected scientific studies that support these benefits. Ut physicians offers $19 flu vaccines for people who are uninsured or underinsured. Benefits of flu vaccination flu vaccination can keep you from getting sick with flu.
The importance of a Flu Shot amidst the COVID19 pandemic CareSouth
Reasons to get your flu shot annually:
Your health insurance likely covers it
Flu vaccination is a critical component of public health strategy. Below is a summary of the benefits of flu vaccination and selected scientific studies that support these benefits. If you’re thinking about forgoing a flu shot this season, joseph deveau, m.d., a primary care physician at piedmont physicians group, can give you 10 reasons why you should reconsider: New viruses emerge each season;
not getting sick from the flu is reason enough to roll up your sleeve for a flu vaccine every fall. This highlights the importance of surveillance in both humans and animals, such as wild birds and poultry, which is still the key to controlling the emergence of novel avian influenza strains [38,39]. It can save your life. It’s best to get the flu vaccine in the autumn or early winter before flu starts to circulate widely, so that you are protected as early as possible.

There are many reasons to get an influenza (flu) vaccine each year.
While the flu is common, it can cause some serious complications that sometimes require h To understand why the influenza vaccine is so crucial, let’s first take a closer look at what influenza is, and how it spreads. Getting a flu shot safeguards your health and protects the people around you. Several studies show that even if you do get sick with flu, a flu shot can make your illness less severe.
Flu strains are continually changing, so it’s important to get vaccinated against the flu each year to protect yourself and others. The influenza vaccine serves as your best defense against the flu virus, and can significantly reduce your risk of getting severely ill from complications like pneumonia. In addition, the vaccine can help protect against exposing your vulnerable family and friends, such as grandparents and infants, to the flu. Reduce the risk of death from flu

A flu shot is the single best way to avoid getting the flu.
Find out which type of flu vaccine is best for you. Each year, we face the possibility of a serious flu season. Doctors and public health experts are urging everyone to get the flu vaccine this fall. For some people, the flu can cause serious illness, and it can also be deadly.
Shorten the length of a flu hospital stay. Flu vaccine benefits include protecting against severe illness and hospitalization, as well as reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Notably, at the beginning of 2022, no new cases of human infection by the h7n9 avian influenza virus were reported in the western pacific region. In addition, the vaccine can help protect against exposing your vulnerable family and friends, such as grandparents and infants, to the flu.
Flu vaccination can keep you from getting sick with flu.
Your immunity declines over time; One of the benefits of flu shots is that you only need it once a year! Getting a new one each season means you’ll be more protected against what strain scientists believe will be the strongest. The benefits of flu vaccination.