Access can be limited by physically controlling system media and secure storage areas. Find links to publicly available resources on media. Learn how to protect system media containing cui, both paper and digital, by physically controlling and securely storing them.
DBMS Physical Storage Media YouTube
Physically controlling stored media includes conducting inventories, ensuring procedures are in place to allow individuals to check out and return media to the library, and maintaining.
Designate a secure location to store removable media which.
Physically controlling media includes conducting. Protect (i.e., physically control and securely store) system media containing cui, both paper and digital. Physically controlling information system media includes, for example, conducting inventories, ensuring procedures are in place to allow individuals to check out and return media to the. It also provides supplemental guidance, control enhancements, and.
Physically controlling system media includes conducting inventories, maintaining accountability for stored media, and ensuring procedures are in place to allow individuals to check out and. Learn how to protect system media containing cui, both paper and digital, from unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification. Physically controlling system media includes conducting inventories, ensuring procedures are. It explains what system media is, how to physically control and securely.

Find assessment guidance, objectives, and cmmc training for this control.
The web page covers various controls, such as physical. Iso 27001 control a.7.10 storage media requires companies to protect and handle storage media according to the classification of data stored on such media and other security requirements.