Normal chest xray Anatomy tutorial Kenhub

Normal Clavicle Xray

They usually require minimal treatment, which relies on analgesia and a collar. The clavicle ap cephalic angulation view is a standard projection part of the clavicle series and is often used in conjunction with the ap clavicle view.

It is often involved in congenital and acquired disorders. Axillary (a) and y (b) radiograph of a normal adult shoulder. The clavicle is an unusual long bone with many.

Normal Clavicle Xray

An apical or lordotic view may then provide greater detail.

The clavicle is the most proximal bone of the upper limb, and provides leverage and support for the shoulder girdle structures.

The clavicle is an unusual long bone with many unique embryologic features. The skeletal surveys are likley helpful in the younger age groups. The lack of females is a reflection of our young trauma population. Female links are beneath males.

This article illustrates the radiographic manifestations of many of the disorders of the clavicle that are commonly encountered in clinical practice. Bickle i normal clavicle radiograph. The radiographic series of the clavicle is utilized in emergency departments to assess the clavicle, acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joint. The clavicle ap view is a standard projection part of the clavicle series.

Normal chest xray Anatomy tutorial Kenhub
Normal chest xray Anatomy tutorial Kenhub


The joints at the ends of the bone, where it connects to the breastbone and.

In the axillary projection (a), the relationship between the humeral head and glenoid fossa (large straight. A fracture of the clavicle characteristically leads to inferior. The projection demonstrates the shoulder in its natural anatomical position allowing for adequate. Traumatic, inflammatory, neoplastic, metabolic and many.

Acromio clavicular seperation Image
Acromio clavicular seperation Image


Normal Clavicle Xray
Normal Clavicle Xray


Normal Clavicle Xray
Normal Clavicle Xray
