The short answer is no, cows do not typically eat their own feces. This is the single acorn podscat. Cows sometimes defecate while lying down, increasing the risk that feces contaminate the stall surface.
Cows Eating Poop
We humans do not [actually we can't] absorb all the energy from our food [any food].
So no, i don't believe cows eat their own poop.
Now please understand that is this is very natural and nothing dirty. Unlike some other animals, such as rabbits, which engage in a behavior known as coprophagy, cows do not have the same inclination to consume their own excrement. “another coprophagous mammal is the mountain beaver…which extract fecal pellets from their anus individually with incisors. While herbivores and omnivores have clear reasons for engaging in coprophagia, the reasons behind dogs' behaviour are less understood.
In addition to that i would say that pig do not eat their own feces but they do eat feces of other animals eg of human. So why is the act of eating feces, called coprophagy, so widespread? The accumulation of feces and urine in dairy barns can be related to a variety of problems, such as poor cow hygiene, mastitis, and lameness, which are important concerns for the welfare and productivity of the cows (warnick et al., 2001; For example, rabbits do it to help them to break down grasses, which are difficut to digest.

Do cows eat their own poop?
Freestalls are designed to position standing cows such that their feces fall into the alley. Eating poop can spread diseases and parasites, so coprophagy is not always a good thing. 💡 when managing cow populations in minecraft, it's essential to consider their eating habits and provide a sufficient amount of grass to sustain them. To sum up, cows do not eat their own poop intentionally, although due to modern farming techniques cows are often confined to quite a small area and may accidentally eat some poop since they poop in the same place as they eat.
Though it might sound very unappetizing, many animals eat their own feces (or poop). Far from a useless waste material, feces often contain valuable calories and nutrients that weren’t taken up by the host. Unlike cows and their relatives that chew a regurgitated “cud” of. Having lived on a dairy for a period of time, i've never seen a cow eat its own poop (aka:

When dogs eat poop, becker holds, it’s not because they enjoy the taste.
This is one of the main reasons why humans think eating poop is disgusting. Cornips and the farmers she recruits to assist her record the frequency, duration and intensity of the sounds cows make. Cows have very strong instincts not to eat any cow poop or anything that smells like cow poop, which evolved to help them keep safe from the eggs of parasitic nematodes, which are spread through poop from an infected animal. They cache these in underground fecal chambers, reingesting them at a later time” from feldhamer’s mammalogy.
This can be achieved by creating large pastures or enclosed areas with an abundance of grass, ensuring that the cows have. To the contrary, “they are craving something that’s in the feces,” often something that’s missing in their existing diet. Cows only eat grass and do not require other sources of nutrition: We have adapted to avoid feces because of these potential dangers.