Learn how to find parcels by various criteria, such as parcel number, owner name, address, subdivision, mcr number, city, zip code, str, business name, account number or mobile. View detailed information about parcels in maricopa county, including property values, ownership, and tax information. Enter the owner name, address, parcel.
Maricopa County Personal Property Tax Form
Find out the tax levy, assessed value, tax rate and property values for your property.
Property taxes are collected and distributed by the county treasurer.
Find information and resources on property tax assessment, valuation, and appeal in maricopa county. 🔎 property records search by address. Search properties, file forms, view notices, and access online tools and educational. Search for property tax, tax assessments, and tax payments.
Your parcel number can be located at the top of your tax statement in the format shown below: Search our free real estate database to access detailed property records. Look up your property parcel number and assessed value look up your tax bill (you will need your parcel number to view your tax bill) maricopa county assessor You can easily find property tax information on the maricopa county assessor’s office website, which allows you to search by address, parcel number, name, etc.

Our maricopa county property tax calculator can estimate your property taxes based on similar properties, and show you how your property tax burden compares to the average property tax.
The maricopa county assessor's office now offers electronic notices, enotices, for your notice of valuation. Tax records in maricopa county (arizona) find tax records in maricopa county, az. Looking for property tax information on a specific home? Search property records in maricopa county, find owner info, lookup up deed, tax, loan and lien records, check permits & purchase history and more.
Use the links to request records, search tax. Learn how property taxes are calculated and billed by maricopa county and other local jurisdictions. Contact the county treasurer where the property is located for payment options and online services.