I forgot the name of the site. This mod allows for modifying your seed and changing the game completely in the no man sky game (pc). If you're looking for a huge set of ship seeds + images for direct download or unique rare max stat ships have a look here or here.
NMS Science Ship Seeds sandmismildgolfdo
After you apply the changes you don't need the tool anymore and the custom colors will.
This mod allows you to quickly exchange.
White and black solar with purple panels and stub nosed grill. In case of a coordinate travel there with a portal. Does someone know the url or did i just dream that this site exists? There are thousands of variations, from structural design to subtle colour.
Can anyone link it to me? This tool allows you to customize your ship colors for all your ships in a convenient way. There is a website that has all the ship types and their parts where you can select parts and see if there is that build found and it's location. Today i saw a reddit post with a ship builder that can generate seeds but i can't find it anymore.

This might be a silly question but i saw many people and site that sharing a seed for cool looking ship, freighter, multitool even for npc to use in nms save editor.
Seeds are special codes that can generate a specific ship, freighter or multitool in the game no man's sky. Or you can randomly generate seed numbers with another mod. I can confirm what a lot of people are already saying in other places, theres a new value that was uncovered in goatfungus' save editor called the home seed. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.