Of the 9 counties served by the utility, kent. Water—1 gallon per person, per day, minimum of 3 days. The outage map at www.choptankelectric.coop is experiencing difficulties with uploading data.
Choptank Electric Power Outage Map United States Map
The map can provide information on the cause of the outage as well as the estimated.
In case of a power outage, members can visit choptank electric cooperative's website to view the company's power outage map.
Our outage map is looking like a candy crush game! Access your choptank electric cooperative smarthub account by logging in with your email and password. Is choptank electric cooperative down? As our crews continue to try and restore power to all of our members, we appreciate your patience and.
Here you see what is going on. The outage map is a great tool we offer to our members to use during outage situations. The outage began about 8:25 a.m., with power restored to most customers by 9 a.m. Outage map visit the outage map to review active outages.

Sienatech the oms provider for cec has blocked our system from getting updated data from their front end system.
Cec also offers outage maps to keep customers up to date on the latest power outages in their area. A total of 1,371 customers from denton to harmony, were affected. Please check it periodically for new data. The first step to take to prepare you includes having an emergency kit ready.
Track, record, and stay informed about power outages in choptank with our dedicated platform.