Once you have your hotspot device and data plan, you'll need to activate the device. Fwa to check if your address qualifies for home internet service through straight talk’s home internet device, text the word fwa to 611611 or click here. Upon activation, your device will begin.
Straight Talk Phone Hotspot Not Working How To Fix?
Activating is quick and easy!
With your hotspot powered on and ready, press the menu key repeatedly until the screen displays 2.4g wifi info. then, press the power key to view the details.
Navigate topics such as account management, phones, services, airtime, and more at straight talk. Locate and tap the settings icon. From the main screen, slide the screen up to display your apps. Hotspot to check the current.
Once you've configured the hotspot settings to your satisfaction, proceed to activate the hotspot on your straight talk phone. Browse common support topics for your prepaid phone. To do this, visit the straight talk website and click on activate/reactivate at the top. You can also purchase a.