I’m not interested in the value. It came in 12,16,20,28 ga., and.410 bore. With a price point of around $190, the stevens 301 offers excellent value for money.
STEVENS 20 Ga SINGLE SHOT for sale at 999032451
A stevens 301 shotgun is currently worth an average price of $215.07 new and $134.63 used.
Not much value to single shots, but the gun has family roots and should remain near and dear to your and your family's hearts.
The new value of a stevens. Gun, rail installed, and factory choke with performance you can hunt with or. The 12 month average price is $214.75 new and $134.63 used. It features a crisp, reliable break action and modern.
Instant price guides to discover the market value for stevens 20 ga shotgun. Selling as used in excellent condition. I believe it to be some variant of 94 or 107. A 94 shotgun is currently worth an average price of $170.71 used.

The used value of a 94 shotgun has risen $24.56 dollars over the past 12.
Find prices for stevens 20 ga shotgun to help when appraising. A 20ga shotgun is currently worth an average price of $565.12 new and $300.72 used. Stevens model 9478 20 gauge single shot shotgun. Its combination of durability, reliability, and performance makes it a solid choice for.
I’m looking for some help identifying the model of steven’s fully guaranteed single shot 20 gauge. On the right side of the receiver, next to model. The 12 month average price is $537.97 new and $257.08 used. The 12 month average price is $155.73 used.

View the current price and value of new and used a stevens 940e based on 14 sold items over the past year.