If you need additional assistance, contact customer care. To pay a rue21 credit card bill online, log in to your online account and click on “pay bill.” then, choose how much to pay, when to pay it, and where the payment is coming. This site gives access to services offered by comenity capital bank, which is part of bread financial.
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Rue21 accounts are issued by comenity capital bank.
Registered cardmembers can send us a message through secure message center.
All help topics get the answers you need fast by choosing a topic from our list of most frequently asked questions. Why won't my account information let me into comenity's easypay? Shop rue21 for the latest women's and men's fashion at better prices than ever! This site gives access to services offered by comenity capital bank, which is part of bread financial.
Rue21 accounts are issued by comenity capital bank. This site gives access to services offered by comenity capital bank, which is part of bread financial. You understand and agree that comenity capital bank may provide you with all required application disclosures regarding your rue21 application in electronic form. I am applying to comenity capital bank for, and hereby request, a rue21 rewards credit card for personal, family or household use.

I hereby authorize comenity capital bank to investigate.