They should only be compiled if. How are you omitting test files from the build? (config, { dev, isserver }) => { // exclude *.spec.ts(x) files from being compiled by next.js.
Webpack 4 How to use Clean Webpack Plugin and how to exclude folders
There are three settings that need to be adjusted to exclude a specific folder during the nextjs build process:
If you decompile the current generated apk, the test folder is being included in the build and shipped with the apk.
If (excludedfiles.includes(assetfilename)) { return false; Right now, my test directory code is getting included in the webpack package built and uploaded to aws lambda. (config)=> { config.plugins.push (new webpack.ignoreplugin ( (resource, ctx)=> { if (resource.endswith (.mytestfileextension)) return true; (config, { dev }) => { config.module.rules.push( { test:
How can i exclude this directory? I tried different things from. Configure webpack to only bundle from your working dir and serve files to the client from the build folder and your spec folder will only be used for testing. This should be done through typescript configuration (tsconfig.json).

Option in the module rules.
I tried to add exclude: