The researchers aim to develop a wearable device for tracking eye movement using pupil lumination comparison algorithm that plots eye gazes. Due to their mobility and flexibility, this technology has been selected to simulate real. Eye movement biometrics can enable continuous verification for highly secure environments such as financial transactions and defense establishments, as well as a more.
What is Eye Tracking and How Does it Work? iMotions
How well can modern wearable eye trackers cope with head and body movement?
Wearable eye trackers consist of several key components:
To investigate this question, we asked four participants to stand still, walk, skip, and jump. Cameras or sensors to capture eye movements, a processing unit to analyze data, and a display or interface for user interaction. The eye tracker used to collect data is the tobii pro glasses 2. Research in experimental psychology and clinical.
Fast eye movements, called saccades, are increasingly being considered as markers of neurological and mental status of the person;