The overriding plate sticks to the subducting slab. The overriding plate deforms, and strain builds. The overriding plate deforms, and strain builds.
Subduction Zones Phase Diagrams Subduction The Sinking Of T
The overriding plate deforms, and strain builds.
Which tectonic processes are likely to be associated with earthquakes?
The overriding plate deforms and strain builds.the overriding plate sticks to the subducting slab. The overriding plate sticks to the subducting slab, the overriding plate deforms,. 1) the overriding plate sticks to the. The overriding plate deforms and strain.
Slip occurs and the overriding plate. Which tectonic processes are likely to be associated with earthquakes? The overriding plate _____ to the subducting slab.