Any misuse of the information presented by this website to. Offender name current location pid # / doc # *offense counts kindoll, kristina When the results page is displayed, offenders with a photo are indicated by a camera icon.
Offender Information Kentucky Department of Corrections Offender
Click on the button 'search data', kentucky online offender lookup (kool) system will display all the inmates currently in custody in kdoc facilities.
To search for an inmate quickly, enter.
The state doc inmate roster provides comprehensive information about each inmate, including their full name, photograph, current incarceration facility, offense details,. Please enter your search data in any or all. Active inmate offender photo (click image to enlarge) pid # /. The kentucky department of corrections provides the information in the kentucky online offender lookup (kool) system as a service to the public.
This search process is facilitated by the kentucky online offender lookup (kool) system, which serves as a crucial resource for both the public and justice officials, providing details such as. *these offenses are not the actual crime committed, but merely a generalized category to aid in searching. 701 rows offender name current location pid # / doc # *offense counts aaron, simone