Rwanda has cautioned its citizens against trading with worldventures, a travel and earn company, over fears that it could be running a pyramid scheme. No, world venture is multilevel marketing that allows members to earn why they go on vacations. World ventures has come under scrutiny in recent years due to allegations of being a pyramid scheme.
Is Worldventures A Pyramid Scheme? What You Should Know About Worldventures
250,000 other members of her purported class were misled about the financial structure and.
Is pleased to announce that the united states bankruptcy court for the eastern district of texas entered an order confirming its purchase of.
There’s a complicated compensation plan to show how lucrative it can get as more people sign up, and yes, it looks a whole lot like a pyramid scheme. In her complaint yiru alleges that “worldventures is an illegal pyramid scheme”. Worldventures since inception has always been about selling memberships, i.e. So, is worldventures a pyramid scheme?
Concerned that world ventures might be a “pyramid” and in violation of norway’s “lottery act”, the norwegian gaming board issued a press release yesterday stating. In this article, we will explore the legal issues surrounding world ventures. Former ceo and worldventures director michael azcue has settled with the spherature investments liquidating trustee.