Open the command palette with ctrl + shift + p (or use ⌘ + shift + p for mac). Sign up for a free github account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Disable it, and install hookyqr.beautify.
cannot set to 2 spaces · Issue 100 · Lonefy/vscodeJSCSSHTML
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that supports a.
Json formatting is set to true by default!
I do not have too many packages installed, but i suppose that could be a factor. Var local = path.join(getrootpath(), '.vscode',. Have a question about this project? Here are some of the best code formatters for vs code that you should consider incorporating into your workflow.
I just changed the default formatter for html to vscode's html formatter. Updated in the last three days: Array = ['css', 'scss', 'javascript', 'html', 'json'] var global = path.join(__dirname, 'formatter.json'); I am setting and up vs code and having some issues with html snippets displaying.
Html css javascript sql python php.