Farmer ants can recruit parasites to battle for them, much like medieval cities sometimes kept expensive contingents of mercenary soldiers to ward off invaders, researchers. Here, we investigate the diversification of the hyperdiverse ant genus pheidole in madagascar, including the evolution of 13 putative social parasite species within a broader. We show that social parasites and hosts share a subset of bacterial symbionts, primarily consisting of entomoplasmatales, bartonellaceae, acinetobacter, wolbachia and.
Parasiteinduced morphology changes in ants Myrmecological News Blog
Though all species manipulate their host to some degree, the host’s reliance.
To explore the evolutionary origins of social parasitism, we reconstructed the evolutionary history of formica ants because half of all species are social parasites and all.
Use phylogenomics to reconstruct the evolutionary routes to parasitic strategies taken by formica ants and their connections to dispersal and nest. Learn how some ants parasitize other ants using aggression and deception. In pnas, borowiec et al.