The milesdown deck is split into sub decks, one from each kaplan book, and those sub decks are tagged by chapter. I’d like to study the anki cards after i do each chapter, if anyone has this i’d really appreciate it!! Does anyone have miledowns anki separated by kaplan chapters?
Anki Kaplan Mcat
I'm beginning content review for the mcat very shortly and.
At this time, it is not possible to add shared decks directly.
Im pretty sure there is a kaplan specific milesdown deck that you use to sync up with kaplan. Best supplemental deck for after book content review. In terms of incorporating it into my readings, i would usually do the specific anki deck for a. I downloaded the deck “miledown by kaplan chapter” but found out that the udpated anking2 is more comprehensive and has 5000 cards compared to the 3000 i have.
Or, second, if you want to specifically organize your subdecks via kaplan. Up until this point, i had been making my own as i read through the. First, the deck is already tagged by kaplan chapters which you can use to guide your studying: Quick question, i've been able to download the anking deck and the milesdown deck, but i was hoping to be able to have them organized by chapter (the way the milesdown deck originally.

The milesdown deck is split into sub decks, one from each kaplan book, and those sub decks are tagged by chapter.