Did you figure out a solution to this? I need to generate a spring boot 2 and jdk17 compatible. When i go to compile this file to generate the class file, i encounter the following errors that suggest there is something that isn’t quite right with the jakarta files for tomcat 10.1.10.
package com.facebook.react.module.annotations does not exist · Issue
This error can occur if you are using an.
However at buildfile i am still getting the error:
Keep your local maven repository up to date. Package jakarta.xml.bind.annotation does not exist. Add java ee web api library. As a new user of kiota i didn't find the kiota info before you.
Import javax.* => import jakarta.* the javax.* package is no longer included in the standard jdk distribution. Instead, it is part of the jakarta ee platform, which is the successor. The error package jakarta.xml.bind.annotation does not exist means that the java compiler cannot find the jakarta.xml.bind.annotation package. Upgrading a project from jdk8 to jdk11, we get the following compile errors:
Modern spring boot 3 switched from javax.* annotations to jakarta.*.
If i add no dependencies to the plugin part then the class will be created with javax namspace, which i do not need and the imorts can not be found anyway with error java:. When generating a java native client and enabling usejakartaee property results in package jakarta.annotation.processing does not exist for generated models.