Another lovely rules question, this time for 10th edition. This rule let’s you choose an ability out of 3 for your thousand sons units: Either their psychic weapons gain lethal hits, which autowound on a hit roll of 6, sustained hits 1,.
YouTube Weapons Experts Suffers Horrific Injuries After Gun Explodes
Devastating wounds made during the wound role bypass any saves, so do the lethal hit rule and the devastating wounds rule do the same thing but at different stages of the combat phase;
The warhammer 40k rules have been given another massive shakeup, and some loopholes that were being exploited in 10th edition have been closed.
My buddy is building a craftworlds army and. The “default” middle of the road duellist stance provides a respectable combination of precision and devastating wounds, but if you need to kill a horde you can go for the high. The balance dataslate changes how the devastating wounds weapon ability works. Devastating wounds are less devastating.
Necron lychguard wield warscythes with the lethal hits rule. This makes them dangerous to even the. Lethal hits any unmodified hit roll of 6 automatically wounds the target.