The average size of an adult leopard seals. New research shows female leopard seals can be up to twice as large as males, a far bigger difference in body size between the two sexes than biologists previously observed. Leopard seals are generally solitary and pagophilic, distributed within the circumpolar pack ice surrounding the antarctic continent (bonner 1994) with a population estimated to be 222 000.
Leopard Seal vs Human Key Differences
They have been known to swim placidly with scientists who have been studying them.
2.5 to 3.2 m long for males and the females are 2.4 to 3.4 m.
Here’s a detailed look at the physical characteristics of the leopard seal: The only species in the genus hydrurga, the leopard seal is the second largest species of seal of the antarctic. Although leopard seals have a ferocious reputation, they do not attack humans, unless provoked. These earless seals are highly dangerous and aggressive towards humans.
The leopard seal has a distinctively long and muscular body shape when compared to other seals. Leopard seals are generally solitary and pagophilic, distributed within the circumpolar pack ice surrounding the antarctic continent (bonner 1994) with a population estimated to be 222 000. Leopard seals are potentially highly dangerous towards.