Prospective, randomized, pilot clinical study was conducted to evaluate the beneficial effects of inositol hexaphosphate (ip6) + inositol in breast cancer patients treated. Ip 6 plus inositol enhances the anticancer effect of conventional chemotherapy, controls cancer metastases, and improves the quality of life, as shown in a pilot clinical trial. Available as a dietary supplement, ip6 + ins has been shown to enhance the anticancer effect of conventional chemotherapy, controls cancer metastases, and improves.
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Very few clinical studies in humans and case reports have indicated that ip 6 is able to enhance the anticancer effect of conventional chemotherapy, control cancer metastases, and improve.
Completed studies also show that oral feeding of ip6 inhibits human pca.
Ip6 plus inositol enhances the anticancer effect of conventional chemotherapy, controls cancer metastases, and improves the quality of life, as shown in a pilot clinical trial. Ip 6 plus inositol enhances the anticancer effect of conventional chemotherapy, controls cancer metastases, and improves the quality of life, as shown in a pilot clinical trial. Very few clinical studies in humans and case reports have. Based on epidemiological data indicating that only diets containing a high ip6 content (cereals and legumes) showed a negative correlation with colon cancer, shamsuddin et al.
In vitro anticancer efficacy of ip6 has been observed in many human, mouse and rat prostate cancer cells.