It should be offline with no recollection. Does anyone know a fix to this error code i have tried almost everything. It's because of ipv6 people.
How to Fix PS5 Error CE1135246 Server Connection Timed Out Fix
I did a factory reset, rebuilt my database, reset my router.
Plug in your modem and wait until no new indicator lights are blinking on.
These are debug steps to confirm wether or not this issue is related to your spectrum connection. Just manually set a static ipv4 ip address on your ps5 and everything will just work. Doing so forces the psn to use an ipv4 address, as it always tends. Don't use dhcp at all (as in, dhcp reservation, as that again.
What i could suggest you do is, unplug both your modem and router and wait 30 seconds. Disable/shutoff ipv6 network addressing on your local network (which means only allow ipv4 network addresses) my workaround for this issue: Want to know how to fix certain ps5 error codes an what they're about? Select one of the options below to find out more or.

Sony wants me to send my console in but i don’t know if there is a simpler way to fix this issue.
Plug your ps5 in and boot it up. Worth noting that making changes to the console sharing and offline play does seem to possibly temporarily fix some of the issues? Here's a complete list of ps5 error codes. This will ensure that psn uses an ipv4 address consistently,.
All the ps5 error codes and how to fix them: Didn't find your error code? We’re about to take on a quest to vanquish this pesky “server connection timed out” error once and for all. Find out how to fix playstation®5 console and playstation®4 console error codes as well as pc error codes.

Serta untungnya, salah satu yang paling mudah untuk dipecahkan.
I got my ps5 brand new just over a month ago and i’ve always gotten this error and i’ve tried every solution i found but nothing works.