Welcome to come, follow me insights into the doctrine & covenants with taylor halverson and tyler griffin. I’m so excited to welcome my sweetheart to teach with me as we cover these incredible scripture stories from the life of the savior. For this week's come, follow me lesson, byu professors tyler griffin and taylor halverson offer some amazing insights into topics like the seer stones, satan's tactics to lead us away from.
VIDEO Come Follow Me Insights with Taylor and Tyler Doctrine and
Learn about peter and cornelius with john hilton iii.
The come follow me lesson for this week invites us to consider who might be a “lost sheep” in our own lives.
Today, matthew 9 through 10, mark 5, and luke 9. This week, acts 10 through 15. Just as the shepherd in the parable searched for his lost sheep,. The lesson is concise and focused, allowing viewers to easily.
In this week’s come, follow me insights with taylor and tyler, learn more about enduring to the end as we prepare for the second coming of jesus christ, work to turn. Pierce is currently doing archeological digs close to. Scripture central resource guide for come follow me: