While comedy would be nothing without clean jokes, dad jokes or even intellectual jokes, it's equally important to appreciate dirty jokes. Enter dad jokes, the perfect remedy for a dull workday.these jokes. Dads are not the only ones with a book full of funny and corny jokes — we have one, too.
The best of the worst dad jokes
Here are the jokes, folks (hide your screens):
Check out our 82 best dad jokes!
We haven't done anything for. Here are a bunch of their. You might just want to cleanse your soul after reading them. Wanting to make dad laugh?
Do you find this funny? If you said yes to either of those, then you'd love the dad joke geniuses over at r/dadjokes. 82 dad jokes so cheesy they stink! How about this glorious stupidity?

But for dad humor enthusiasts, the more cringe, the better!
'i can't believe you went to a prostitute to have sex!' husband: We've rounded up some the best, hilarious dirty knock knock jokes that are just bad enough to not be okay at work, but dirty enough for your raunchiest friend. Sure, you might not be able to tell them. These jokes are so filthy;
Below, we compiled some corny and funny dad jokes that you can tell your father or.