On april 11, 2023, a source close to the two confirmed to the dailymail that the rumors were true. Ainsley herself is not making a permanent move to florida; Ainsley lives in manhattan, new york, while her boyfriend, sean, lives in a $5.3 million townhouse in palm beach, florida.
Ainsley Earhardt and Sean Hannity Dating, Is Ainsley Earhardt Engaged
Instead, it’s her boyfriend, fox news host sean hannity, who is making the change.
It's unclear if earhardt will.
Sean used to live on long island in new york. Hannity already spent a lot of time there and had. Images published by the outlet even showed hannity and earhardt traveling together with hayden in palm beach, florida in february. Ainsley earhardt is not making a permanent move to florida;
At this time, neither earhardt nor. Getting engaged at a church near sean's home in florida, the couple told fox news, we are overjoyed and so thankful to our families for all of their love and support during.