We evaluate mating success determinants in male bonobos using data from nine male individuals from a wild population. From a phylogenetic view, bonobos and humans share some interesting sexual traits. Sexual behavior occurs in various contexts;
Bonobos Mating Photograph by M. Watson Pixels
Bonobos do not form exclusive, monogamous relationships.
Archives of sexual behavior , 3 , 95.
Bonobos seem to have sex more often and in more combinations than the average person in any culture, and most of the time bonobo sex has nothing to do with making. Results reveal a steep, linear male dominance hierarchy and a positive. Instead, bonobos mating is rather promiscuous which means that bonobos are having sex with multiple partners. Bonobos are great apes, not.
Photographer christian ziegler witnesses the sexual politics in action as he captures intimate images of these amorous apes at a congolese bonobo sanctuary.more. It is performed by fertile and nonfertile females, throughout a female’s. Proposed functions of these behaviors, in social. Bonobo females tend to concentrate their matings when their swelling is at a maximum firmness, rather than maximal size, a period that better corresponds to the duration.

They've been called the peter pan ape because of their childlike behaviors as adults.
Bmc evolutionary biology recently published research investigating whether the sexual swellings of bonobos reliably signals ovulation to males. Mating in bonobos is promiscuous and opportunistic.